Wednesday 13 February 2008

Development of D&AD project

I am progressing well with the project. I have set myself the goal of being firm with myself over making key decisions quickly and not ‘umming’ and ‘arring’ about them for long. This has worked well so far. I developed 3 ideas as required by the brief and logically drew up a pro con list, and did some research into actor movement theories, character design, character theories and writing tips for character development, and then made the final choice based on which idea fitted in well most with the brief.

My final choice of character is a cat which views humans as servants (name unconfirmed) which was inspired by my own cat, and I am going to develop the personality this week in a number of ways (See next post)

As the timescale is quite tight for this project, and there is also the client proposal project to consider, I have developed a colour coded cross project time plan, in which I am recording all meetings dates and major events I need to consider when time planning, and letting me see how much time I have for each project comparatively. It has been really helpful so far, as I can refer to it when time planning each project individually, and then plan which weeks will be more productive for a particular project and which weeks will be more focussed on other projects, so that I can plan out my work load realistically. This has prompted me to set rigid goals in this project, and the main milestones are as follows:

WEEK 18: This week I will be focussing on developing the personality of my character (See next post), and then the appearance. I will at the end of the week draw up a document that has a complete profile of my characters mental state (i.e likes, dislikes, habits, environmental preferences ect) and a list of behavioural mannerisms and personal postures that I can refer to when storyboarding, and also when creating boards to show how the character was created.

WEEK 19: During this week, reading week I am going to be working a lot on the client project, but will ensure I write a treatment for the final animation, produce a detailed storyboard, and begn to make all needed components for the animation, which I will do in After Effects.

WEEK 20: This week will be dedicated to the actual production of the animation

WEEK 21: This week will be focussed on creation of the boards and rendering of the animation

WEEK 22: I will be ensuring my sketchbook is bound and finishing off loose ends.

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