Monday 4 February 2008

D&AD Project - Chosen Brief

I have chosen to work to the brief of character animation for this project, because I think it is important for me to choose one brief at the start, fairly quickly and then get started on developing ideas as soon as possible to make my concept and standard of completion stronger and more professional. In the last couple of projects I have become self aware of the fact that I can at time be pretty indecisive, and in this project I am going to start out rigid about making decisions. There were several briefs that interested me, and I will describe why in my sketchbook, but ultimately, now that I have returned from Berlin, I am going to choose one and stick to it. I have chosen character animation because the brief talks about the spirit of a character and attention to bringing it to life. I think that the research I am doing for my dissertation on anthropomorphism will feed into this well. I enjoy using After Effects and feel confident in creating an animation to a good standard with this piece of software, and the challenge of creating a character will require a lot of attention to detail that will help me in future projects and working with clients. Starting inspiration for me is 'Buddy Bears'(see previous post), that I saw in Berlin, because although they are inanimate objects, they seemed to me to have a full, rich life to them that spoke out with emotion about the origins of the city and it's views to the future, whilst also displaying symbols and messages from other countries around the world.

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