Wednesday 21 November 2007

Initial reaction to new brief

Have looked at the new brief, and will read it again in full detail later.
Thoughts off the top of my head to start with are that it looks like a project I can really get my teeth into. I like the sound of it. I like interaction design alot and I like the fact that we can choose any type of interactive media we wish. I like the thought of experimenting and pushing the boundries too. One book comes to mind to get from the library that I read in the first year, which explains interactive design principles and shows exampls of good sites and bad sites, including experimental sites that just don't work, becuase even when trying to be different, there are some design principles that always need to be considered. I will make sure I look into this issue fully, and try and determine how far I can push boundries and make my work unique without actually causing it harm in terms of userbility. I am also thinking that I would like to use after effects and dvd studio pro to create some kind of interactive animation, but no ideas exactly as to what/how. But I don't want to immediately limit myself to using computer software alone. I will give some thought as to other ways the idea of an interactive project could be perceived, such as perhaps creating something that forces the user to interact by standing in a particular way, or using their wholel body. (motion sensors?) I will look into the work of camille utterback when considering this. The thing that puts me off that idea though is that I would need to create something that shows my idea, but depending how ambitious it gets, might not be able to actually CREATE the final thing, and so would have to create an interactive demo off it on the computer perhaps, wheras I would like in this project to create a finished, complete piece. I missed one of the talks this term by Rona (surname?), but heard her speak last year, and remember her showing some work that used a camera, so the person looking at the work was actually becoming a part of it, and I'm sure she explained the setup as being quite simple. I may be able to purchase something that lets me be a bit adventurous, so I'm definately going to let my ideas run wild initially and then start to narrow them down in a couple of weeks.

Other comments.....

Enjoyed visiting the galleries this monring. Liked the grande parade exhibiton, not so much the other two, that kind of installation art isn't really my cup of tea, but I appriciate the value of learning about other areas and people pespectives, and everything in life is inspiration in one way or another.


Am going to start keeping a research folder, looking at bits and pieces related to my different ideas.

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