Tuesday 11 December 2007

Change of heart.....

I blogged earlier that the theme of ideas I have selected to develop is 'People and Interaction'. Having analyzed the comments made about my last project, thought about ideas for deliverables, and considered the areas I have researched that I am most interestd in. I have CHANGED MY MIND, and selected my third theme: Immersion and Interactivity (the relationships between people and interactive media. Specifically a book/story) This is similar to the topic of my dissertation and will be helpful to my personal development. The key themes in it that appeal to me are:

mental interaction
familiar aliens

I am now using a digital scrapbook in Flash to generate ideas (partially because my workbook is so overflowing with paper that I fear a whole tree will need to be cut down if I don't start to use alternate resources!!!) to look at my inspirations in more detail and discuss the four main variations of the idea, and brainstorm ideas for deliverables. Over the next day or so I will become ruthless and choose one idea to proceed with, and start developing my ideas for deliverables. I would like to start generating a timeplan for creation of these over Christmas, and think once I've chosen my idea, it would be a good time for a crit, and so will ask around over the next few days to see if anyone wants to meet up sometime during the holidays, just for a couple of hours, to talk about work and present the idea so far. If any of you are reading this and are interested, please post a comment!!


lucyirving said...

I might be interested in a crit over Xmas. I'm finding it difficult to really bring everything together at the moment; it's not a good time for an Xmas break!

DAN STONEMAN (DJ / Producer / Designer) said...

Ye definitely interesting in the crit over xmas and I agree with Lucy! What a time for an Xmas Break, hope Santa brings me some brilliant ideas!

pixelmixer said...

Hello there, i saw something recently that could be of some interest to you as it mebbe fits with the themes youve mentioned in your blog.
It's an interactive narrative/research experiment/game called Façade
There's a video on YouTube
It can be downloaded free, and theres plenty of theory written about it, so it might be on some relevence to you.

Cool, and keep me posted about the crit sesh, if im about i'll be up for it.